HipHop Culture

The emergence of the Hip-Hop culture has dominated the new generation with a vengeance. The world has adopted and fashioned the culture into a new way of life!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Heroes and The Cult of the Celebrity

Hip-hop's Heroes and The Cult of the Celebrity
Assignment 1-3-4

            Many have been labeled heroes in the Hip-hop culture, but what makes them a hero? Hip-hop artist may have shown heroic acts in their communities or just have inspired people with their catchy hooks and historic beats. Hip-hop fans dub these artist heroes for making it out the “struggle” or the hood and making it big; making millions of dollars, having all the ladies, and rolling in big cars with fancy rims and sound systems. But what is a hero? A hero is someone who represents the best of the best in society or in their families, shows the best qualities or attributes out of everyone else. So not every singer or rapper is a hero just because of their captivating music or numerous music videos’ they’ve made, but for standing up and showing teens, adults, and children heroic character. Hip-hop heroes go beyond the music beyond the stereotypes and stigmatism and reach out to help the world, environment, community, and families any way they can.
Fans idolize hip-hop performers by mocking their music, imitating their clothing, and praise their videos. People see all the fabulous things these celebrities have and glorify their lifestyles. Hip-hop artist personify a life of money, cars, clothes, jewelry, promiscuous girls/boys, and sex. This lifestyle is magnified through music videos’, the clothing they wear, and television shows with reference to the hip-hop culture. Celebrities realize our dreams of being rich and famous and eulogize these fabricated dreams through their music, television shows, and lifestyles. The cult of celebrities wraps around so many peoples lives so much so people go as far as changing their occupations, lifestyles, and location to be live like their favorite celebrities. To live the life of the rich and famous has engulf pop culture and the dream of being a hip-hop mogul has empowered a movement in pop culture.

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